Ian Fitton, MS
Senior Manager, Operations and Data Science
Ian Fitton oversees the implementation and application of pricing models for various clients. He is also heavily involved in the strategic assessment of multiple European markets with a focus on identification and analyzation of optimal pricing, all while adhering to the ever-changing regulatory practices within the European marketplace.
Before joining Mather Economics, Ian worked as an analyst within the Worker’s Compensation Division for the Florida Department of Financial Services. He also interned at Florida Blue, a subsidiary of Blue Cross Blue Shield, where he began to develop skills within the healthcare industry.
Ian Graduated from Florida State University in 2015 with a Master’s Degree in Applied Economics. His Thesis Project involved a Cost-Benefit Analysis of the implementation of “Smart” LED Lighting throughout the University, for which his group won an award for Best Project in their Program. Ian also holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Florida State University in both Applied Economics and Finance.
If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
I’ve always wanted to go camping up in the Boundary Waters in Northern Minnesota. The idea of stepping away from the modern world for a while and being able to spend quality time with good friends while also enjoying nature is something that really appeals to me. My dad took a trip up there a while back and always mentions that it was one of the best experiences he’s ever had.
What is one trait that has helped you to grow as a person and how?
Adaptability. Growing up in a military household, we moved quite frequently throughout my childhood. Getting accustomed to new schools, new places, and new friends was something you had to learn to deal with pretty quickly. I think that being thrown into different environments as a child taught me how to easily connect well with others everywhere I go.