Large U.S Publisher
- To move engaged users from ‘anonymous to known’ users and grow paid digital audience without negatively impacting digital advertising revenue
- Segmented users by engagement and content preference. For example:
- Some users are “Fanatics”, “Enthusiasts”, “Stable Users” …etc. and maybe “Sports Fans”, “Cowboys Fans”, “Rangers Fans”…etc.
- Connected segments into the paywall (Piano) to create custom messaging and offers to each segment. For example:
- Fanatics might get a paid offer with a 50% discount while
- Stable users may get a free registration and newsletter offer and if they register they can get an extra 5 page views.
- The client can also create custom messaging using the Piano Composer tool to target the Sports fan differently than News fan…etc.
- Recommendations to execute strategy
- A-B testing (Mather, Piano) or A-B-C testing
- Predictive modeling after testing complete (optimize conversion rates, subscription revenue) – identifying the ‘sweet spot’